온라인 제조 플랫폼 캐파(CAPA)가 스타트업계의 최신 뉴스를 영문으로 전달하는 미디어 ‘코리아테크데스크(KoreaTechDesk)’와 함께 캐파의 주요 고객 및 파트너를 소개합니다. 코리아테크데스크는 앞으로 캐파 블로그(blog.capa.ai)를 통해 소개된 인터뷰 콘텐츠를 가공해 기사로 작성, 배포할 예정입니다.
아래는 최근 코리아테크데스크에서 작성한 캐파 고객을 소개하는 기사의 일부분입니다. 한글로 작성한 캐파 블로그 글 원문을 확인하고 싶다면 <여기를>, 기사 전문을 확인하고 싶다면 하단의 <영문기사 전문 보러가기> 버튼을 클릭해 주세요.
Young Korean innovators propel Rocket manufacturing with online support from CAPA
In a rapidly evolving aerospace industry, where the line between dreams and reality blurs, a group of extraordinary young researchers in South Korea is defying expectations and revolutionizing space exploration. Abyssal Aerospace, an emerging private aerospace research organization founded by ambitious high school and college students, is challenging norms and aiming to achieve what even experienced professionals find tough. With a passion for rockets and a shared desire to make their mark in the aerospace industry, these young researchers want to manufacture their rockets.
Abyssal Aerospace was established in 2017 by CEO Kang Joon-seo when he was just 14 years old and still in middle school. Recognized as a prodigious student, Kang had already demonstrated his exceptional talent in mathematics and physics, earning him the trust and respect of his peers. Lee Jae-jeong, the director of Abyssal Aerospace, is currently an undergraduate student majoring in aerospace engineering at Seoul National University

The organization has grown, incorporating more members from diverse backgrounds, from high school students to PhD holders. Although their paths to joining Abyssal Aerospace differ, they all share the same unwavering spirit and determination to “make a rocket themselves.” Their relentless pursuit of innovation has attracted attention and support from various quarters, including the online manufacturing platform CAPA, which plays a pivotal role in their ambitious endeavors.
CAPA’s Role in Empowering Abyssal Aerospace’s Ambitious Goals
CAPA, a frontrunner in facilitating outsourcing of manufacturing processes across various industries, has become an indispensable partner for Abyssal Aerospace. By connecting the organization with a vast network of manufacturing partners, CAPA enables them to procure essential parts needed for their rocket development projects.